Karnataka Health Minister Dinesh Gundu Rao on Saturday dubbed as 'low level conspiracy' of the BJP, the permission granted by Governor Thaawarchand Gehlot to prosecute Chief Minister Siddaramaiah in the MUDA alternative site scam. He said the Chief Minister will emerge stronger after this move.
"The CM has emerged stronger. The more you go after him, he will grow stronger," he told reporters. The Minister said the BJP will be humiliated for conspiring to finish off Siddaramaiah politically as it will have repercussions.
"The unethical and low level political conspiracy of the BJP is now proven," Rao said.
According to him, the BJP's Padayatra from Bengaluru to Mysuru seeking Siddaramaiah's resignation for his alleged role in MUDA scam was a flop show while the Congress' public meetings evoked tremendous public response.
"The more you target him, he will grow tall, he will become popular and people will stand behind him. He is doing a good job by serving people," Rao said.